NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)



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Message: A confession of a Noront stock holder

A confession of a Noront stock holder.


I am one of the long term holders of Noront.  I, like most everyone on this board have been beaten, flogged, starved, and shackled in the bowels of the investment pit of despair.  Worst yet, every few months or so our tormentors tease us with carrots dangling in front of our noses yet always just out of reach!

  • Spectacular drill results

  • Winn’s Billion dollar promise

  • The Northern Development Board (?)

  • A major mining Co. Cliffs to plow the way

  • Possible Chinese railroad development

  • Buying Cliffs properties for pennies on the dollar

  • Road announcement by Winn, NOT, First Nations

  • Etc. Etc. Etc!


But this time, somehow, it feels different. Tell me I not delusional!!! Why? Because so many things seem to be converging at just the right time.  There's the provincial election just over the horizon and the Ring of Fire will be hotly debated, various commodity prices (nickel for one) have been strengthening, furthermore we have a very strong argument for huge increases in demand for our commodities with the advancement and world wide demand of electric vehicles… not to mention the critical infrastructure upgrades throughout North America alone.  Then there's the new Trump mandates and antidumping controls.  Who will supply all the ingredients for made in USA stainless steel?  A new ferrochrome smelter to be built and cities are jockeying and bidding to host this facility. Are these cities really spending all this time, energy and Money to submit proposals if this was just pie in the ski?  They are even flying to Finland to tour their facility.  All this cannot happen just because it seems like a good idea.




Oh, but my wounds are so deep.  Am I only seeing now what my tormentors want me to see?


But the WILD card, the Trump of all Trumps in Northern Ontario are the first nations.  Are we seeing attitudes shifting.  Are they going to open the gates to the Ring?  Do enough see the vision of a prosperous future where not only do they vastly increase their standard of living but also contribute empoweristically to their own destinies without relying solely on tax funded government handouts?


Of course I understand why some fellow inmates have crawled through the small hole in the dungeon wall.  The crack which opens when the stock price slips over $0.40. Freedom from “Let’s get it right” is very compelling.


Forty cents.  Like we lifers are supposed to be excited! I’m not crawling away.  I’ve endured.  I see a real bonafide shadow.  I can't quite see the sun but I know it's there.  Even when I hear Andrew McCreath on BNN smuggly ask John Kaiser, “Do you really think they'll ever develop the ROF?  I mean it's all swamp up there!”.  Really??? As if the marsh lands are the obstacle preventing $60 Billion worth of commodities from being extracted.  It just tells me how fast and how much money will flow into the Ring once the gates open and the mainstream media tells the true story.


Ok fellow prisoners.  That's my confession.  I'm  ready to not just break away but to fly.  This is it.  It has to be!


Beaten but not broken





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