NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Section 232 and Duck Tenders.

 This Section 232 National Security Investigation of Imports of Automobiles and Automotive Parts Hearing is going on tommorrow. Canada/Ontario is in panel 6 in the afternoon.


Panel 6: 1:40 PM-2:20 PM  

The Government of Canada o David MacNaughton - Ambassador 

The Government of Ontario, Canada o The Honorable Jim Wilson - Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade 


The funny thing here is that during all this Tariff and auto , and steel bla bla....nothing stopped the very American Bain Capital and Goldentree asset management from finalizing the restructuring over at Essar Steel Algoma..."they" didn't seem at all concerned...

Strange really..

When you consider the following:


In FY 2015, 47% of Algoma’s sales by volume were to Canadian customers and 48% were to customers in the United States, with the balance being sold on the international market.


Algoma has a diverse customer base. In FY 2015, approximately 62% of Algoma’s sales were made to steel service centres, which act as middle-men in the steel markets. Service centres typically purchase steel products from a variety of manufacturers and re-sell them to end users, including customers in the automotive, construction and heavy equipment manufacturing industries.


you'd think with all this scary talk..that the lenders would have liquidated and run away.. I mean 48% of customers were in the usa and only 47% in Canada...what would tarrifs do to Algoma???

but the lenders were intent on making a deal with the unions and now all that is left is the province to sign off on this...restructuring deal.

So much effort was put forth to grab this algoma prize....Why?

My understanding is ...the problem isn't with Canada making the steel and sending it to the USA, the problem lies with steel product coming in from overseas , Canadian companies adding a bit to it and calling it ...Canadian product.

This hurts companies like Algoma and others including those in the USA. I believe this kind of stuff is the reason behind the investigation.


This next part below you may see as off topic but I don't see it that way.

This article still makes me so bitterly angry because I was buying these treats for my dogs. They were NOT cheap. I was paying $16.99 plus tax for a small package of Duck Tenders.

The package had the Canadian maple leaf on it, and ingredients were 100% pure duck fillet.

I thought I was a caring owner by buying what I believed to be a good quality product. It stated quality checked in Canada certified Laboratories. The word Canada was in big font as you can see in this article... There was NO MENTION OF CHINA anywhere on the product packaging.

The real truth is ...the  treats came from China...dogs got sick.

Here is the disgusting,  story below. I still see it on the shelves of Loblaws by the way.



This Dog story is not off topic . Foreign steel is making its way into Canada and being "touched" and repackaged as Canadian...  just like the Duck Tenders...This is what this section 232 is really after.

As consumers you should also question prepared packaged food you eat as far as origin of all stuff. Don't rely on the simple word Canadian on a package. Or simply try eating less packaged foods for your own health and well being. Try to make as much as you can yourself.

Don't think for a second that  you are being treated any  differently than a dog.


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