NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Marten Falls Named in Neskantaga Legal Suit


I see it like this...and I may be wrong here...But if the hunting and fishing are so good in your jurisdiction then why would your people venture off hundreds of kilometres downstream to do the same. Yes...You'd probably send out scouts to see what the region has to offer, but that doesn't mean in every venture you make the land you see is yours. YES... Many Indigenous tribes were nomadic as far as I can recall, and moved to more bountiful lands in order to survive. But not without either peace, or war, with neighbouring tribes....

Long story short these Indigenous communities know where the lines were drawn for their jurisdictions, and no doubt accepted those decisions years ago amongst themselves to settle land disputes. If not then according to Moonias tomorrow his people could show up on McFaullds Lake and set up a new Neskantagan community, hunting/trapping outpost, or better yet, private mining exploration project. They have not and for good reason...Because the land is not theirs. Same goes for any Mushkegowuk claims..IMO they don't exist, or hold barely enough water to be used as evidence in court to prove ownership. To say your people ventured over a hundred kilometres downstream to fish and hunt for your community when hunting and fishing was plentiful on your own lands would equate to either leeaving their canoes 100 kms downstream after the hunting party was finished, or portaging weeks to get back. I may be wrong, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Now..Ten years has gone by and not a peep from any neighbouring First Nation, and no legal action to reclaim land. Why? Because it's too costly to lose. I am personally looking forward to this legal proceeding, because finally the truth will come out if it is allowed to. Too often our government, and our First Nations, conveniently settle matters between themselves without telling everyone else who flips the bill who was right, who was wrong, and who should pay the court costs. My view is that land disputes will not be challenged here, and instead the truth about consultation will come out. Any  jurisdictional rights will be asserted without disclosure to the public and the government will start knock more on Neskantaga's door.

The only purpose for this legal suit is to allow Neskantaga to be heard, possibly satisfy further Ring inclusion, and hopefully make a side deal with the government to benefit more from all things Ring of Fire related. If something comes out of this it will be to slience their continued opposition. But only if the court grants them their claim for consultation and they manage to benefit further from this claims of theirs.  I am, however, hopeful that the court just dismisses their claims all together as act of opportunism in order to set a precedence. Since likely there are others who are looking to do the same.


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