NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: The mining industry enters its most important decade
But no one saved Neo Lithium from a Chinese takeover, though it’s possible the deal could still be blocked by Ottawa. All the proposed takeove
But no one saved Neo Lithium from a Chinese takeover, though it’s possible the deal could still be blocked by Ottawa. All the proposed takeovers of lithium companies and others that produce essential metals for the green revolution need to be reviewed, regardless of size. Only now is the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waking up to the threat of handing China the keys to the next industrial revolution and job-creation machine.
Mr. Trudeau wants to make Canada a global leader in EV battery production and has asked for a review of investment legislation to protect the critical mining sectors from hostile foreign takeovers. The move, revealed this week, is the right thing to do – but should have come many years ago. China’s lead may be ounassailable."  ... Today's  Globe and Mail
This "Peters' Comentary" is aimed at the pending Ford election announcements, to assist re-election evolving stategies. [Think contiutional control techniques currently being employed by the currently CAQ controlled PQ province.] 
The %Noront share control battle:
China's resource-dependent Wyloo minerals,(37.2% of Noront  shares; current NOT price - bid bid -leader @$1.10/share)]; 
BHP's (6% ?? of Noront shares);
The  vital % Control Retail share voter "block" of (40-43% of currently privately held Noront shareholders.
Recall please, 
My forecasted 5-9% Ontario taxpayer-owned, third owner percent control block and my suggested BHP- ON price negotiating terms, [ Noront and it's 95% R of  Fire mineral  claims control block, for the proven resouce life length of Studal's  "Sudbury2"-  lifetime Mineral Region resource estimate lengths, ...to date.
Yes, the battle for %control of Noront/Ring of Fire, IS POLITICAL, ....and in the hands of Ontario voters and the re-election win for Premier Ford.
Recall also my suggestion that the final price-per-share bid include a 50/50 split of Cash plus GHP nd shares, for the resource life of Noront's proven reource mineral holdings. 
For my grandkids, Ontario, and all Canadians, ...in that order.




rs of lithium companies and others that produce essential metals for the green revolution need to be reviewed, regardless of size. Only now is the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waking up to the threat of handing China the keys to the next industrial revolution and job-creation machine.
Mr. Trudeau wants to make Canada a global leader in EV battery production and has asked for a review of investment legislation to protect the critical mining sectors from hostile foreign takeovers. The move, revealed this week, is the right thing to do – but should have come many years ago. China’s lead may be unassailable."  ... Today's  Globe and Mail
This "Peters' Comentary" is aimed at the pending Ford election announcements, to assist re-election evolving stategies. [Think contiutional control techniques currently being employed by the currently CAQ controlled PQ province.] 
The %Noront share control battle:
China's resource-dependent Wyloo minerals,(37.2% of Noront  shares; current NOT price - bid bid -leader @$1.10/share)]; 
BHP's (6% ?? of Noront shares);
The  vital % Control Retail share voter "block" of (40-43% of currently privately held Noront shareholders.
Recall please, 
My forecasted 5-9% Ontario taxpayer-owned, third owner percent control block and my suggested BHP- ON price negotiating terms, [ Noront and it's 95% R of  Fire mineral  claims control block, for the proven resouce life length of Studal's  "Sudbury2"-  lifetime Mineral Region resource estimate lengths, ...to date.
Yes, the battle for %control of Noront/Ring of Fire, IS POLITICAL, ....and in the hands of Ontario voters and the re-election win for Premier Ford.
Recall also my suggestion that the final price-per-share bid include a 50/50 split of Cash plus GHP dividend shares, for the resource life of Noront's proven reource mineral holdings. 
For my grandkids, Ontario, and all Canadians, ...in that order.
Peter Marshall
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