Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Good article/video on "At the Core of Semiconductor Market Disruption"

Pizza, I think you are absoulutely right, a good market stratagy is like a good pr campain, or any pr work as far as that goes, first you have to tell the people what they have is not very good anymore, then you have to tell them that they need something that can do more, and do it better, then you have to tell them what it is they need, and then you have to tell them, Oh by the way, I know who has exactly what you need.

Companies are no different then people, you have to get them to want something, and you do this in a sudtle manor as to not come across as a two bit salesperson, that leads to false impressions.

So I think you are right, set the ground work, do it slow, methodical,and in a professional manner so people will take you serious.

I think poet is on to this theme in every thing they are doing, rolling it out at a pace that people and industry can comprehend it, and at the same time create some mystique, and then when all is ready give them the full picture.

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