Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Taking the good with the bad
Jul 15, 2014 09:51AM

cpt, very nice reply. Yes, all those things you cite are what has me so interested in POET and reading most every post on this board by days end. Other than timing, I'm pretty darn pleased with the company, and, since I play a lot of biotech, the timing issue is certainly nothing new to me.

Even though Ajit is a real lynchpin in my eyes, there are, as you list, many compelling reasons to think that the chance for success is high. My intuition tells me otherwise and is the reason for my relative caution. I like GT, the scientist, and I like Ajit, the chip dealer, and I like BAE, and the military connections. Intuitively, there is a vast discrepency between where our market cap is and where it should be if we really have a reasonable shot to capture even the thinnest crescent of this humongous market.

I've seen situations not too dissimlar many times in my too many years, and I've yet to be on the winning side, where the share price turns out to be way wrong, and enthusiastic experts and cheerleaders (two different categories, perhaps not mutually exclusive), turn out to be on the money. I look forward to be on the side of the smiling people by the time the POET story is understood.

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