Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: AGM: The tone has changed....

Thanks TechGC for your AGM report adding to the air of confidence that has at last been restored to this board after a period of negativity and nay saying.

The usual pessimists have withdrawn for the moment but no doubt will re-emerge when the slightest hint of adversity raises its head so that every storm in a tea cup can be enhanced to a full blown hurricane.

The fears raised re consolidation have been relegated to what had already been described here before, as a necessary management tool if needed. It should also be realised that the management, had no option but to request the RS at an AGM as it was a mandatory requirement of company law, so arguments about bad timing and management failing to sustain the SP were in fact disingenuous. Furthermore the angst raised by the unprecedented amount of posts regarding Sheldon Iwentash selling were simply explained at the AGM. Why so many have to flail themselves on this board with unnecessary angst is myopic and painful to observe.

It is quite clear to me that a new relationship between the company and investors is in hand. Setting Technical milestones became an excuse for nay-sayers to bash the company if news reports did not arrive when expected. I know of no other development in IT Companies which has allowed such visibility to share holder of project plans. This was an avoidable mistake and one which has cost the steady growth of the PTK SP by effectively reducing the potential impact of each announcement. It will not happen again and this is a sign of maturity.

The tight lipped controlled nature of key staff briefing the AGM sound to me like a company who know that something big is in the offing. The promise of income in the next two quarters from our interim CEO was a clear commitment to us shareholders such a confident statement could only be made if an agreement with partners was imminent. Q4 2014 is just two weeks away. The slip by Geoffrey Taylor that a fully complemented chip was completed in the last two weeks is colossal – we have a product to demonstrate - our rocket is on thelaunch pad.

The point of all this is that give the genuine confidence and maturity displayed by management at the AGM is it not time for this board to give management the benefit of the doubt.


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