Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: What are the greatest risks POET faces?

In my opinion it is not so much about factual risk but about perceived risk. My impression, based on reactions in German forums and on my blog, is that there are quite some people who

  • warn about the technology being a hoax,
  • warn about pumpers,
  • warn about the short remaining lifetime of patents,
  • warn about Ajit Manocha who, as they say, "had to" leave GlobalFoundries,
  • warn about the TSX.V as a stock exchange (allowing naked shorts),
  • warn about Canada as the company's head office,
  • warn about gallium arsenide being toxic,
  • warn about whatever else you can (or can't) think of or
  • simply watch POET Technologies from the sideline and plan to get in as soon as revenue becomes apparent.

Most of these issues can easily be rebutted, so the factual risk is low, IMHO. However, if you take all of the above seriously, you will perceive the risk as being high until being proved otherwise.

That's why I believe we need revenue to take off!

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