Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: A sad day if you have no choice but to sell...tired...

I think posters, as investors, are entitled to voice their disappointment when the timing of events is not to their liking. They received that right when they purchased shares ... That's how this whole "investment thing" works. I'm definitely not saying they're all right, I'm just saying they should be allowed to post that they're frustrated with the current state of affairs. Rather than just post about everything you don't like, maybe try to discredit their posts by explaining to them why they're wrong?

1) This is overly harsh. Everyone makes mistakes at the early stages of their investment "career".

2) Don't take it personally! People are allowed to be upset! Nobody is discrediting the hard work and DD done by some of the major posters here. Seriously, the DD on this board is awesome - thank you to all who contribute.

3) I agree with you ... The progress over the last year has been great, but it's easy to lose perspective of that when you're holding shares in anticipation of it appreciating in value and there are delays and other issues holding the SP down.

4-5-6-7) I agree with you completely ... We have a huge name in Ajit, a genius in Dr.Taylor and amazing leaders on the board who bring information to this board and keep us informed.

8) Not everyone is in the same financial position as G.T. ... Just because people are forced to sell, doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad investor. Life changes, circumstances change ... There are other factors that force people to sell their investments at a loss other than being overcommitted to a venture stock.

I really hope this doesn't come across as an attack on your post, I'm really just trying to promote patience and tolerance for other posters who may not be as level-headed as you (and others) are.

Good luck with the snow and a good weekend to all

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