Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Wrap up OFC Anaheim

Daddy, are we there now…Daddy, are we there now?

Subhash already spoke out in the clear what we (or at least the company) can expect in March:

FROM CC Feb 16th 2016 @ 18:52 – Subhash Deshmukh: ”In the fourth quarter of 2015, we had also planned on initial wafer starts to install our process technology in a foundry. Here, too, through multiple cycles of learning we developed, optimized and installed, on time, a multi-step fabrication flow utilizing the set of equipment and other processes available at the foundry.

We had proposed the first demonstration of fully externally processed six inch wafers for both VCSELs and FET functionality in Q1 of 2016. We are on track to delivering this critical objective by the end of this quarter”.

It’s hard, really hard, to know when we will arrive.


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