Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Make some Noise

Well, since it is obvious that you can trust absolutely nobody in the investment world, who's to say this reverse split isn't a rumor started by someone, probably even Wainwright, to drive the sp down and gobble up cheap shares. And it doesn't take much to get panic selling on the go in a stock like PTK. Just another way to look at it. Another way to look at it is this, if they have what they say they have, get those sales and contracts in place (which they are doing) and the sp will eventually take care of itself, which is the way the market is supposed to work. Oh, I forgot one thing, the average public shareholder like you and I are not supposed to make good investments and large profits, but I'm hoping that this management might be a little bit different. Good luck with, what?  LOL. Worse comes to worst we do have the reverse split, nothing will have changed in value except the way people perceive it to be and that also takes care of itself eventually.  It worked well for a company I once owned but it took something that nobody here wants to hear anymore and that is patience.  Whatever, good luck anyway. Time to play pool.


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