Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: SPIE Photonics West 2019

The SPIE Photonics West Show was great as usual and bigger than ever.  Moscone Center was packed with Photonics Companies from all over the World.  I made my way to the DenseLight Booth first.  It was pretty busy there; Soma was completely tied up with what looked like customers.  Both Suresh and Thomas Mica were in Toronto.  I guess it would have been surprising if they were at the Show given the events of Monday.  I talked to Dr. Ring via email.  He said won’t be at the SPIE Show but possibly at the SEMICON event later this year.

I did spend little time speaking with Yee-Loy Lam, DenseLight Chief Technology Officer.  He was excited about the new product line.  I also got a chance to chat with Rajan Rajgopal, President & General Manager.   I hadn’t met him previously.  A wonderful man.  He said DenseLight, would continue to work closely with POET as a supplier and on development of the Optical Interposer and components for the POET Optical Engine. 

I was surprised to see our, Bryan Patmon, previous DenseLight VP Sales & Marketing, at the Luxmux Booth.  Apparently, he is their new sales guy.  I didn’t get to chat with him as he was busy with a customer.  They did say their sales were good and growing.

Some of the companies that were at the OFC, were not at SPIE including Accelink, and HengTong.  Rockley, no Booth but did have a presence at the Jobs Fair.  I don’t think Jean-Louise gets to this show. 

I tried to spy on the II-VI at their Booth (I try this every year and again, just kidding), didn’t really see anything new there.  Coherent again had a huge Booth.  They are into everything Optics.  They added 3-D Printing to their repertoire.  Once again, the Show closed before I was finished visiting (but I did leave at that time).  Your intrepid Reporter, reporting.   Cheers  BT  Good Luck to Longs



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