Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: 5 year projection
Feb 20, 2019 01:12PM
Feb 20, 2019 05:39PM
Feb 20, 2019 05:59PM
Feb 20, 2019 06:01PM
Feb 20, 2019 06:13PM
Feb 20, 2019 11:39PM
Feb 21, 2019 01:37AM

Dear Sparta,  

Your description of PTK as a penny stock and declaration for the need for caution is fine, but insensitive too.  

You seem unaware of the fact that your audience here knows full well that whilst what you say is common sense it is a caution that need  not be repeated. That is because the majority here are longs and have not only consciously ignored the risks you declare, but have remained invested regardless of price fluctuations. Don’t you feel that such comments are falling on deaf ears, you are seven years too late for most.  Thus your well conceived and intentioned message becomes irritating when repeated.

We are all guilty of breaking the Agoracom rule of repetition at times.  The board has been most tolerant of mine.  So do continue to post useful contributions and observations, but don’t be surprised if, having pointed this out, your penny stock mantra gets reported as a violation.

My advise is that you evaluate the considerable amount of development work, managerial application and capital expanded to prepare this company to offer its product, the Interposer, to a market desperate for the commercial advantage it will provide to a burgeoning telecoms and datacoms industry.  My conclusion from that exercise is that at the very least PTK is not a penny stock, as I suspect yours evaluation is otherwise why invest?

Consequently for anyone to give a calculated opinion of potential value of PTK is a rational exercise and useful if done well and something the company is now actively trying to get across to a wider audience, in completely the opposite tone to your post.

Surely Caveat Emptor always applies, even to the incautious investor jumping in on a wave of euphoria about any share.



Feb 21, 2019 05:43AM
Feb 21, 2019 05:52AM
Feb 21, 2019 07:05AM
Feb 21, 2019 08:02AM
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