Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: 5 year projection
Feb 20, 2019 01:12PM
Feb 20, 2019 05:39PM
Feb 20, 2019 05:59PM
Feb 20, 2019 06:01PM
Feb 20, 2019 06:13PM
Feb 20, 2019 11:39PM
Feb 21, 2019 01:37AM
Feb 21, 2019 05:08AM

Sparta I have gone through your posts and you are clearly on a mission here to convince people that they should not put money in this venture stock. I think that opinions vary on why you are on this mission.

And let’s assume you are just plain concerned for the wellbeing of people who are invested here. First one would expect that you have legitimized your concern with a thorough understand of what POET is doing.

In reading your posts you fail demonstrate that understanding. And I will just pick out one example. You can call it cherry picking but lots to  choose from and I have spent so  much of my time trying to  provide a balanced view for  you to  help you understand.

Example: Why has no one said be CAREFUL there are other people out there doing what we are doing?

So what is it they are doing Sparta and who else is doing it?

Let me try to explain for you what it is that POET is doing in a general and hopefully easy way for you to understand, this requires a basic history lesson into packaging methods for electronic chips as they have scaled to smaller and smaller sizes with extremely high density of device count. 

Read my next post titled "History in the making".

Feb 21, 2019 05:52AM
Feb 21, 2019 07:05AM
Feb 21, 2019 08:02AM
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