Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The November 8, 2019 NR

Hi Mono,


Technically by the word of the release you may be correct that they don't have to disclose the receipt of the second tranche. 

Unfortunatelately when you keep tapping the shareholders for funds over the last 5 years and give them millions of warrants out of the money, you should have some consideration for them "stepping up" since they've taken a beating and try to get them in the black if at all possible. Hence 13 million dollars is enough to fund the company for a 2 year run without the sale of a product. After the 3rd tranche payment it will be enough to fund the company for 3 years, Isn't that worth something to investors wanting to invest in Poet when they're doing their due diligence?

As for the warrants, the March 21 2020 are coming up at 75 cents, they're way out of the money and the company wants to disclose the tranche payment in the April financial report? That is bush league folks, if they would disclose they are not releasing positive news when they can, who would want to be involved with that?


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