Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: LWLG vs. PTK

I am pretty sure many traders follow this board and trade on its sentiment.

But don't your agree that it is odd that there was a run up to a multi-year high and just at that point for many years the management had sold shares?

I have nothing against that at all amd think that the amount sold is tiny, but the timing is questionable and certainly no coincidence.

As a long time shareholder, for many years, I would have hoped that this would be more sustainable after such a long time. And by the many comments you can see, it's not only me. Therefore I think many find it very frustrating when it "feels" like it that management has bad timing. 
First with the rush for a RS at a good run. And as we know now, the rush wasn't required. And now the 2nd time in a good run it was crushed.

Wouldn't you agree that a higher SP would be better for the company and in the best interest of shareholders to:


1) avoid an unnecessary high split ratio

2) raise better capital with less dilution

3) protect against to low take over attempts

4) qualify POET for institutions that require higher SP to invest instead of a PennyStock investment 

5) attract more investors to the story, as they can see it is a good investment and isn't always sold down when someone new invests (ROI) after a decent SP appreciation


There are many more reasons. So, I am asking myself why the management has been so "unlucky" in their timing that they kiled such at momentum now twice. If it was coincidence you need to ask yourself if in such cases TM couldn't steer the financial side of things better to avoid such bad timing for the companies and shareholders best interest.

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