Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: How would you like to be invested in Rockley

We are discussing Rockley on the main board because I brought it up. So the question becomes why did I bring it up and what does it have to do with POET? So I have Rockley on my watch list since it has been a point of interest at two meetings that I attended at IBK. One that included Suresh and the other Vivek. The question was what is Rockley doing that enabled them to gain so much financing. What do they have that merits this kind of attention and how can we tap into this?

There really was not an answer except to say that it was widely accepted that they were unable to make a splash in datacom because the best that conventional silicon photonics offers even with the great Andrew Rickman at the helm was simply not good enough to make their platform desirable for widespread adoption. So then they moved on to medtech. And the same story seems to be unfolding.

The advantages that POET offers is simply very unique to industry and POET is unlocking those advantages far quicker than is typical to industry. Why the market does not get it I don't know. Some here think they have the answers but I truly believe that the bigger the prize the harder the market game is played. 

We spend time on this board trying to figure things out so the reality is that POET's peer group is part of that equation.

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