Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: POET has had 5 consecutive days of gains

Really? I passed that suggestion on. They made a small effort which never really got talked about here but it was the first time directors were issued options above the prevailing market price at $4.

Certainly not what we would have liked to see.

Now back to my question. Why would you make a comment like: 

4 products are supposedly scheduled to begin manufacturing in the next 49 days

I am kind of a simple person so I googled the meaning of supposedly.

according to what is generally assumed or believed (often used to indicate that the speaker doubts the truth of the statement)

There is lots to complain about and we can certainly point fingers at missteps along the way. But technical achievements and the ability to do a lot more than most with less in terms of product development and commercialization trajectory is not one of them. So I actually found your statement offensive. First time I made a comment about it, it bugged me.

Just as a reminder Rockley has burned through $120 million in 1 year.  In their latest financials they reported $125 million cash on Sept 30, 2021. On Sept 30, 2022 they had less than $5 million left. And they still don’t have a product!

I will take the progress that POET has made over the last couple years and the position they are in now as a sign of excellence. 

Lots to complain about but lots to look forward to. More than at any time in this company’s history. So yes take the good with the bad and be thankful for how well POET has executed on such a small amount of cash.

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