Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Please think this through

FJ: "If the knowhow walks, we are screwed."

John, you and I have talked a fair bit over the years and I respect you a lot. I don't understand your stance on this. I don't know how POET can say after OFC that they are attracting major attention and vying to be the "de facto standard by which photonics' devices are manufactured now and into the future", out one side of their mouth while, out the other, tell us we have to reprice their options to near historical lows because they "no longer provide adequate incentive to such officers and directors since their original pricing does not reflect the current market reality or likely scenarios for the share price."

I guess agree to disagree? This is the last I'll talk about the matter. I'm not worried about Suresh walking. I wish Tom would walk. If they want to go, I want them gone. Then we might find people who can deliver shareholder value, not just blab about it.

Everyone will vote how they see fit and we'll see how it comes out in the wash.

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