Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Finish Line

Reading much of the YES sentiment, seems to revolve around this idea of we've endured so much, why jeopardize the situation when we're so close to the finish line?  The obvious counter to that, why would anyone leave the company now after all this effort when the fruits of their labour are just about to be rewarded?  The argument works both ways, if we're truly close, nobody is going anywhere and if they did leave, well that's a tell.

As far as I'm concerned all this price talk is easily taken care of by delivering what they themselves have promised. Who's fault is it we can't find institutional backers to support the share price?  That person deserves a cash out?  That's how companies work?  The stock price is here because of their own hubris and failing, now I'm supposed to reward that?  Can I reprice my share price, you decimated it with a 9 month financing ordeal?

If the finish line is near, a NO shouldn't really matter.  And yet it does apparently?  I can't square it.

Maybe if the company listened and Tom retired, we wouldn't be here.  Another self inflicted predicament.  That blackmailesque flavour of the tweet last night only reinforces my NO. 


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