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Message: Pros and cons of investing

Hello community, 


Let me introduce myself first. My name is George and I’m from Canada. By profession, I’m a nurse (an exhausted one because of the Covid-19 pandemic). In my free time, which is not that frequent now, I usually meditate  and play chess. I’ve also taken up another hobby recently. 


I know that the majority of you will possibly judge when I tell you what it is, but I’ll risk it — online gambling. And no need to worry, I’m just a casual gambler who has done his homework and read tons of articles like this I know what to expect and it’s definitely not a fortune. 


The reason I’m here is cash, obviously. I’ve saved a decent sum of money which I’ve considered investing so that I could make even more. Since I know literally nothing about investing, I’d appreciate it if any of you who’s more experienced shared why it’s good and bad, i.e. what its advantages and disadvantages are. Also, if you have some tips and tricks, do share in the comments. Thanks in advance!  

Dec 11, 2021 12:41PM
Dec 11, 2021 07:38PM
Dec 11, 2021 08:24PM
Dec 12, 2021 08:34PM
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