Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Re: 31st July...

Jul 31, 2012 09:29AM

Jul 31, 2012 01:01PM


I own a hockey sock full and still buying IPL.un...

This morning the stock halted and this news release came out...all fantastic news for share holders..

And what happens...

The share price is down ...go figure...

What does it take to get a boost of our share price..It ain't just us..and nothing we can do can turn it around other than get massive gold results..


(Corrects figure in headline to read C$2.1 bln)

* Plans expansion of Polaris, Cold Lake systems

*Adding 820,000 bpd of inbound, outbound capacity

* Adds 840 kilometers of new pipe

* To serve projects operated by Cenovus, ConocoPhillips JV

* Shares edge lower

CALGARY, Alberta, July 31 (Reuters) - Inter Pipeline Fund said on Tuesday it plans a C$2.1 billion ($2.1 billion) expansion of its regional pipeline system to provide service to three oil sands projects owned by a Cenovus Energy Inc and ConocoPhillips.

Inter Pipeline said it will expand its Cold Lake and Polaris pipeline systems to add 820,000 barrels per day of capacity to deliver diluent to the projects operated or planned by the joint venture and to ship out bitumen to market.

It will also add 840 kilometers (521 miles) of new pipeline and seven new pump stations to the systems to serve the joint venture's current Foster Creek and Christina Lake oil sands projects and the planned Narrows Lake project.

Jul 31, 2012 01:22PM
Jul 31, 2012 01:24PM
Jul 31, 2012 01:47PM

Jul 31, 2012 02:00PM

Aug 01, 2012 08:14PM
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