Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Re: 31st July...

Jul 31, 2012 09:29AM

Jul 31, 2012 01:01PM

Jul 31, 2012 01:22PM

Jul 31, 2012 01:22PM
Jul 31, 2012 01:24PM


Credibility..??What credibility..??

I can't be sure ,but don't think that there is buggery afoot..but how dose one know..After the door slams shut and the perps are long gone..In this case I don't think that way but it says little for Brians management to keep missing target dates..already announced..

Like he is infamous for it...

Brian why not keep your mouth shut until you can post something absolutely rock solid and sure of your dates and numbers..

I would much rather wait longer for news..although that is the pits also and it is like being yanked along having a new arse hole jerked out with a fish hook..That smarts and makes me cranky..

Now I know that Brain is an up guy and gets fired up and excited about what we have which is great .,but Brian...if you make a future statement of company status or expectations ..for frig sake make sure it happens on that date..

You are like the boy that called "Wolf"..!!

Eventually you will have no one to listens to the bullshit..

Now shit or get off the pot or lets get someone that can take this company forward...

It is time to find Jokal for that Ripple.


Jul 31, 2012 02:00PM

Aug 01, 2012 08:14PM
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