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Message: What is the difference between you PYR and RAYMOR?

Francais a la fin:

If this information is correct then it means that PYR and HPQ will become the world leaders in silicon production.  And especially if PYR is the one that provided the technology to AP&C (formerly Raymor) then WOW! Raymor is already known for producing uniform spherical nanopowders.

In 2014, Arcam bought AP&C's titanium printing powder division for $35 million. And 3D printers were starting at that time.   Imagine the cost of acquisition today...

Now, what Mr. Bernard Tourillon (HPQ) and Mr. Photis-Peter Pascali (PYR) say about a revolution in the field of silicon is probably going to happen. 

I would just like Mr. Pascali to confirm that it was PYR that provided the technology to Raymor?


Si ces informations sont corrects alors ca veut dire que PYR et HPQ vont devenir les leaders mondiaux de production de silicium.  Et surtout si PYR est celui qui a fournit la technologie a AP&C (anciennement Raymor) alors WOW! Raymor est deja reconnu pour produire des nano-poudres spheriques uniforme.

En 2014, Arcam a acheté pour 35 M$ la division de AP&C (division poudre de titane pour imprimerie). Et les imprimantes 3D commencaient a cette époque.   Imaginez le couts d'acquisition aujourd'hui...

Maintenant, ce que disent M Bernard Tourillon (HPQ) et M Photis-Peter Pascali (PYR) a propos d'une revolution dans le domaine du silicium risque probablement de se produire. 

J'aimerais juste que M Pascali confirme que c'est PYR qui a fourni la technologie a Raymor?


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