A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Thank you Mr Pascali and the entire Pyrogenesis team!

I am a relatively new investor to PYR, (about 1.5 years ) and was introduced to your company through my investment in HPQ (another gem!). During my resarch of PYR, I as well as many others here, have discovered what an amazing company you have. Even though I have not met you in person, just reading your news releases and comments here, you are a man with Integrity. Your generosity to your local medical facilities speaks volumes to the betterment of society which we all should seek. It must be an amazing work environment for your "family", knowing they have you as their leader.

Years ago when picking the name of yout future company, you decided on PYR. An early stroke of genius perhaps? Having shares in PYR is "a must have"  in your portfolio if you are........     

"P"lanning - "Y"our - "R"etirement.

Cheers and good health to you and your team!



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