A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: To Peter: PyroGenesis Signs Initial Plasma Torch Contract with Major Iron Ore Producer


as Tim and others have said, congrats and great news...

If you go to CEO or SH; you see so many ignorant posts; that show that investors are turning the news and your previous comments in every direction; which is nothing unusal in todays connected world.

Based on the comments its evident that a large part have still not understood the path but merely have the goal in mind...

I am a newbie here and have only started investing a few weeks ago; the first point that really impressed me with your company was your proactive approach on this board.

BUT based on what I have seen with other companies is that this approach can be a double-edged sword. Its what we see today; many do not appreciate your effort to clarify and only see/hear what they want and not what you have stated. In addition you have the manipulators that know how to use this ignorance and artifically created confusion.

What I want to say; since you are now in the process of negotiating contracts of significantly higher value and the business value of PYR is expanding significantly, your exposure is also growing leading to corresponding increased legal risks for you and the company.

In an ideal world I would like to keep appreciating your posts on a regular basis; but on the long term I can only recommend you to switch to an approach that would minimize the risk, but still provide the close link to investors which makes this company so special.

For example providing monthly video updates "Comments from the CEO" or a regular Newsletter that provides further insights to the comments / concerns of the shareholders coming from this board. 


Once again, congrats and looking forward to seeing this company grow! 

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast (from someone who has understood what that means :-) )



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