A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Re: How Much is GHG Really Reduced…


Yes Olderguy1,


...and maybe the world is flat…


…and the moon landing was fake…


…and if your grandmother had wheels, she would be a train…


Seriously? What you are suggesting is preposterous, and I think you know it.




But you ask me to comment, and so I will, but not just with respect to this post but to all your posts.


You are very condescending, and full of disparaging remarks. Your current fixation is on our marketing efforts with advice ranging from just telling our clients to order because we will do anything for an order, to criticism at not being everywhere all the time.


You speak as if you are a proven entity in such matters…but who are you really Olderguy1? I think a bit of transparency is in order, no? I mean…you know who I am…but who are you really? In an earlier post you requested that I lay out my marketing plans to you, so in the same spirit I ask you to show me why I should.  Who are you really Olderguy1? Why would any of us listen to you at all? From what perch do you preach?




Let’s start:


How many millionaires have you made? You are retired and have had a lot more time to do that…how many? 1? 5? 20? 30?


How many companies have you lead, and been all in with? How many have been public? How many were originally R&D? How many did you successfully lead into commercialization?


How much have you made personally executing on business strategies geared to bringing new technologies to commercialization? Personally? $10MM? $50MM? $100MM? $200MM? $300MM?


How many Billion-dollar companies have your forged unique relationships with as a $40mm start-up?


How many families has your business employed/supported?5? 20? 50? 100?


How many game changing technologies came into being under your leadership? 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?   




Given the style of your posts I would suggest that you do not measure up very well by any of the yardsticks alluded to in the questions above.  That is not to say that you may, from time to time, have some interesting perspectives to share, but to suggest in such a condescending manner that we are on the wrong track, or lacking in our approach, should be reserved for those who have been made arrogant from success…which is clearly not you.  In that same vain I would suggest that maybe you should take a lesson from my playbook?


I will let what I have written sink in, but as it does I will leave you with one last thought: I would remind you that it is often better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Hope that Helps,




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