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Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Drosrite processing of black dross from aluminium secondary smelters

Hi Peter,


I do not remember the last time I logged into this platform for asking you a question. I was surprised to find my password at the first attempt. It has been such a longtime. I am not sure if it is my memory, from a wise password choice or just luck. Anyway, I am glad that I found it.


Investissement Québec (IQ) recently announced an investment and support program to develop Quebec lithium battery sector and become a world leader in electric transportation which I entirely endorsed. Quebec with its cheap electricity power, its huge mining activity and technology knowledge is certainly well positionned to become an important player in this market and industry. To me, it seems to be a natural progression of the 70's vision and political steps for the empowerment of hydroelectricity. During the announcement, there was some discussion about aluminium recycling. Quebec exports its aluminium scrap which is not making sense. We are an important player in the aluminium industry. Do I really need to name Alcoa, Rio Tinto, Alouette, Elysis project, PyroGenesis (Drosrite International)?


Since there was some news about the interest to push the developement of an aluminium recycling industry in Quebec, some PyroGenesis investors were smiling. It might become a Drosrite customer. I stated that it was not the case. But, I might have been wrong. In fact, I think I was. My assumption is that black dross treatment is more difficult than white dross treatment. It seems that black dross composition is less consistent and it contains less aluminium than white dross. So, I envision dross from aluminium (recycled) secondary smelting process as less valuable. Maybe not above the threshold to push for its processing. But, I am no expert and currently Drosrite interest seems to come mainly from primary smelters. Could you help me to distinguish the value and interest of black dross processing from white dross processing? 


Best regards,




P.S. With time, I am less and less active on investors forums. But not less a shareholder. Congrats to PyroGenesis for all the accomplishments.

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