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Message: Re: The time is now!

May 26, 2023 06:59AM

you can show yourself out the door, before you get a heatstroke yourself (get it? because your name is heat stroke. I feel the need to explain the pun to you because you've demonstrated a certain density of the head).

this is not a circus, if you are a clown you are not in the right room.

Im sure you dont care, but those of us who have humanity, do in fact care that Peters father passed a couple years ago, and have the capacity to understand that when someone passes, there are estate planning processes that may be complex based on your assets. Mellon didnt start selling until after this, its not like PPP is just liquidating the trust because wants to. His personal shares keep going up with every warrant excecution. So stop lying to yourself and spreading misinformation.

If you have a problem with Peters father passing and the resulting execution of his estate plan, go cry about it somewhere else. Your clown paint is running and ugly crying clown , not in a circus, is in the wrong place

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

May 26, 2023 01:06PM
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