A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Desperation

feel free to be negative in your perspective in an honest discussion. The issue is with people who are on every single platform 24/7 even holidays - not just being 'bearish' but actively spreading their hatred of the company in a way designed to manipulate people new to the company, or get existing investors to sell their shares at a discount to whoever is accumulating. You must admit, it is strange. Someone who thinks a company was a bad investment and sold out would just walk away. The pathological obession of digging 75 years into the past and re-posting every single thing they can possibly link to current events in efforts to detract from developments, is weird. Endless posts, every day, same broken record. They are here like its a full time job.

The guy complaining why I make fun of his obsession, its because while he is free to discuss the company, this isnt discussion.... it is 24/7 b*tching designed to clog up any other topic. If he had an intelligent thing to contribute to the conversation, it would not be a problem. They are all half truths and out of context complaints.

investor forums are to discuss the investment, the technology, developments, the industry. If you feel that the financial statements are poor, and the ceo is evil, and the company is going broke and there is no hope for it, what do you have to offer to the discussion to those who are invested or considering investing? Just b*tching?

at the end of the day, while I acknowledge there are legitimate investors who sold out due to missed timelines and other reasons, it is their right. Those investors should also reconsider their investment thesis and why they chose to invest in a high risk R&D small cap to begin with. I also truely believe there are bad actors here who have an agenda to their own benefit, who claim to be "informing the shareholders' but it remains strange because their behavior is such that their life depends on it - or their money.

The "long" investors try to have a discussion about something, and 8 resident a*holes jump in to clog up the forums with their BS. How many times did you read "hehe mellon dumping glta" despite years of well advertised and properly announced and regulated Automatic Share Disposition Plans? How many conversations did that derail? How many times were investors discussing the technology and the potential market implementation, and 50 messages come in about "you are dreaming" "CEO is a lair" "you are all pumpers". It is deliberate attempts at breaking up any sort of meaningful discussion.

You may feel differently, thats okay.

Despite what many of the bad actors have said about me, I have always been reasonable in my discussion of this investment. I stated many, many, times -across various platforms- that this is R&D and my timescale is long. I had 50 people arguing with me that this is not R&D and they expect $500M yesterday. I use to discuss and banter with others, but when I became aware and seen proof there are bad actors with malicious intentions among us, I did indeed become less conversational and more defensive. Perhaps this is my fault, but that is because I can see the bullsh*t and think it is sick. Their mothers must be proud.

I also dont have the time to sit and engage with these people endlessly day and night and on holidays. I do get on from time to time because at this point, their obsession is entertaining to me, and I do believe when big news drops, they will get their comeuppance.

You cant tell me it isnt weird as F that people who "do not own the stock" sit here 24/7 talking sh*t.

I can understand long investors and why they are here: either they have already accumulated all the DD they can and sit for entertainment, or they continue to discuss the stock because *surprise* they have an interest in seeing the company grow and deliver sustainable solutions to an environmental problem in an industry that needs it.

What point is there for people who think this is a horrible investment, to be here 24/7 just getting in the way of people who are actually invested? If people call them names and tell them to F off, its because anyone who has been here long enough is tired of the same broken record and wants to either 1) discuss the technology and incoming developments, 2) keep up with their fellow investors 3) to keep tabs on the bad actors because one day, they will be proven wrong and scatter -never to be heard of again. No one is here to read "mellon hehe glta" for the billionth time. we know about it. we get it


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