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Message: A Special Committee was created in October 2023 overseeing the AMF saga

A Special Committee was created in October 2023 overseeing the AMF saga without being divulged to shareholders and the market. 

The five independent Committee members are also five Pyro independent board members was not and is not available at the Pyro website. The Committee is not utilizing the services of independent legal counsel. Nor was there any reference to the Special Committee through shareholder mailings, within the Q4 financials, year end; moreover, within the Management Information Circular for the upcoming June 27, 2024 AGM. A virtual held AGM without a Q&A session.

The AMF, nor I, was aware of the Committee being formed. A summary resolution from the December 22, 2023 Committee meeting was signed by Pyro General Counsel on May 6, 2024, 3 days before testifying at the TMF in person administrative hearings on May 9, 2024. Some 5 months to produce, sign the summary resolution? Was this document not timely? Presented to bolster their case? A curious mind wonders or curious minds wonder. 

I previously indicated I would provide the signed summary resolution (part of PCI exhibits) once I obtain the same.

AMF and Osler documents are included at my shared Dropbox folder for those of you who are interested to view the same and have confidence that I am providing said documents:



File names:

PCI-4_Certified Extract of the Resolutions of the Independent Committee adopted on December 22, 2023, dated May 6, 2024.pdf

Plumitif (Court record) document:

2023-021_plum   .pdf

June 13, 2024 TMF decision:

2023-021-002_dec_2024-06-13 .pdf


AMF Exhibits folder name: 



PyroGenesis Canada Inc (PCI) Exhibits folder name:



Good luck to All!

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