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Message: Under normal circumstances....

Hey Chicagoest, I agree with what you have stated in your post. What I would like to see would be a CVR sale of RVX soonish with the upfront money somewhere between current MC and the company's EV and a back end that would reward us well should Apabetalone or any of RVX's other compounds be successful. To me as an investor that would reduce our risk as well as reduce the risk of the purchaser. If RVX really has 7 other "ready to go" clinical candidates then this kind of deal would seem to represent a good risk reward proposition for a purchaser and we can all think of at least a few pharma  candidates for whom the purchase of RVX would be considered good risk management. Looking at the tax pools along with the IP and one would think a good deal could be made from both the sellers and buyers perspective. 

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