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Message: Small Financing......

I think we all agree that this is a stop gap measure only. What I find interesting is that back in 2014 before the last the last addition to the loan RVX did a small private equity financing (mostly management as I recall). I wonder if we will see history repeat itself?  On a fully diluted basis today is about a 7-8% dilution. Since there are a lot more tax credits available and more IP for security I wonder if Eastern (or HL) will back an increase and extension of the loan. If memory serves Eastern will be losing close to a million warrants to expiration in August and then a little over a million next year. They could probably significantly increase the loan amount and still be very well secured while at the same time picking up millions more warrants. Just one avenue to ponder....

Also, hopefully we get an analyst report/coverage from Bloom Burton soon

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