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Message: Re: Resverlogix Closes Extension of Maturity Date of Loan and Announces Private Placement

Tada wrote: "ASSURE/SUSTAIN and the Crestor results; It is my understanding that for plaque regression the Crestor/RVX-208 combo absolutely worked the best however for event cessation it was very close between both satins and RVX-208. Maybe having BEAR  or another science person chime in on this point would be good."

I agree with you Tada. As more throughly described in this 2013 news release, the low-HDL population taking the Crestor/RVX-208 combo had significant plaque regression (PAV) whereas those taking the Lipitor/RVX-208 combo had a non-significant increase in plaque (PAV). However, keep in mind that the population in BETonMACE is also diabetic and high-risk because of recent ACS. So there are many pathways/biomarkers (i.e. plaque stability, plaque composition, calcification, inflammation, etc) that RVX-208 will likely be improving in a cardioprotective way aside from just plaque regression that may work together to reduce MACE regardless of statin type even if plaque is reduced moreso in the Crestor group. In other words, in the high-risk BETonMACE population there may be no difference between the two statins for the ability of RVX-208 to reduce MACE (as Tada suggested.)


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