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Message: Primary endpoint: Time vs Absolute Numbers

hummmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,back when the 180 events was the talk of the boards and the timing of the futility analysis was being disussed, I thought or maybe even actually remember, the board taking stabs at when the FA would come about.......if memory serves me somewhat correctly it was the summer of 2016, then the guesses were put out to the Fall/Winter of that year,,,,,then the FA was noted to be cancelled,,,,,,here we are in Fall/Winter coming into 2019 and surmising with DM when 250 events will actually take place! It all seems incredibly confusing to my grade 10 math head. So what would have been the difference to this trial if these 250 events took place last December verses this December? Cuz what I read and hear just does not seem to make good sense when I read that the # of events in relation to trial time is not indicative of a successful or unsuccessful trial! Maybe it is just too complicated for me to understand!

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