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Message: What was late Friday all about? We'll probably never know.....

I just harken back to the way AMRN traded in the 9 or so months after it spiked to $4+......the volatility that saw AMRN trend down to ~$3.00 was in no way predictive about the success of their trial.  


Part of the reason AMRN traded up to $4 is that there was a 2nd interim look at about that time -which was negative (at least that is how the announcement was taken). Then AMRN traded down to around $3. Just before the results were announced some other PR came out which tanked the stock even a bit more ( I was lucky to double my position then). At the time I was surprised because I was sure AMRN would hit during that second interim. That is one reason when the actual results came out I wasn't as positive as I had been that it would be the great RRR that was announced. 


I always have wanted to know what those interim results were. AMRN sure was aggressive in growing and training sales force just after that though :-)

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