...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!


Dear Agoracom Family,

I want to thank all of you for your patience with us over the past 48 hours and apologize for what was admittedly a botched launch of our new site.

As you can see, we have reverted back to the previous version of the site while we address multiple forum functionality flaws that inexplicably made their way into the launch.

To this end:

1.We have identified 8 fundamental but easily fixable flaws that will be corrected in the coming week, so that you can continue to use the forums exactly as you've been accustomed to.

2.Additionally we will also be implementing a couple of design improvements to "tighten up" the look and feel of the forums.


George et al

Message: PAH Plans get a write up in Pulmonary Hypertension News

I’m beginning to get the idea that Apabetalone, and/or any subsequent/future enhancements or modifications thereto, could have a positive impact on almost any medical condition that has a genetic implication or component to it.  After all, we’re really just at the very beginning of determining what (and yes, if any) the real potential of epigenetic science is capable of in terms of treating what could be an almost limitless number of indications.  Is that too broad of a statement to make??  If not, then this is truly groundbreaking is it not?

The notion that the medical community as a whole has not yet fully embraced epigenetic science in general in some way speaks to that, since history has shown that is not an unusual pattern when it it comes to the acceptance of radically new ideas. They first want proof that this is in fact something, and we may just be on the cusp of providing that ‘very initial’ proof.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but im starting to really appreciate that this is pretty big stuff we’re waiting on here. 

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