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Message: Re: Insider activity, grants of rights and an option exercise at 75 cents

Tada - you are cinfusing Options with RSU's. They are totally different. Options are a right to buy something at a certain price. You are only given the right to exercise but not given an actual asset so no tax event. RSU's give you an actual asset for free in lieu of something like salary, bonus, etc. so is taxed like you would be had you receive the actual salary or bonus. They are usually vested over time to retain employees by giving them an interest in the company. They are becoming more popular because options get abused as you might explain it when as soon as they are received, the employee can leave the company and still have the option. RSU's tie them a little more to the company as they have to stay to have them vest ot they are forfeited. As soon as they are vested, the employee now owns the actual asset so it is then a taxable event. RVX is sort of circumventing this by vesting them on the day they are granted so they own the asset immediately as in before Top Line release. Even though I do not know for sure yet, I assume they are vesting on day of grant as that is what they did last time. See below!

What Is a Restricted Stock Unit (RSU)?

A restricted stock unit (RSU) is compensation issued by an employer to an employee in the form of company stock. Restricted stock units are issued to an employee through a vesting plan and distribution schedule after achieving required performance milestones or upon remaining with their employer for a particular length of time. RSUs give an employee interest in company stock but they have no tangible value until vesting is complete. The restricted stock units are assigned a fair market value when they vest. Upon vesting, they are considered income, and a portion of the shares is withheld to pay income taxes. The employee receives the remaining shares and can sell them at his or her discretion.

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