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Message: About the Monday Presentation

As a non-science person, I was a little underwhelmed watcing the AHA presentation. But after a little help from my Agora friends finding the nuggets in the pan, and realizing some of the bigger rocks may just be shiny gold after cleaning them up a bit, feeling much more excited to hear the "non-sterile" version from Don tomorrow.

Seems pretty clear there is a sizable "known" market un-masked now and waiting with several "unknown" markets potentially as well, or at least VERY STRONG "promise" ....

And since this was specifically chosen to be delivered Monday morning "pre-market" I would hope Don can address the "going forward" (elephant in the room) part to some extent?

I know he won't comment on the FDA other than it was a "good meeting, we feel encouraged that apabetalone has a bright future, we have great respect for the FDA and await their letter" ..... and not expecting announcement of a "definitive agreement" with a BP tomorrow ..... but hopefully he will drop some STRONG hints about where we are heading strategically, to ease that market constraint just a bit, if not set the market ablaze?

In this dance of 1000 veils, I wonder how many veils will come off tomorrow morning? Not expecting total nudity, but down to the see-through lingerie would be nice? 

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