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Message: Re: Apabetalone recudes ALP (apologies if repeat. looked on the new side)

"Conclusion: Monocytes from FD patients on ERT therapy display an enhanced expres-sion of the CCR2-MCP-1 axis as compared to naı ̈ve controls, indicating the potentialfor immune cell tissue infiltration and local inflammation. Apabetalone counters thisincrease by preventing MCP1gene transcription. Apabetalone also reduces PBMCmediated pro-inflammatory gene transcription (TNFA,IL12B,IL6) and neutrophilmediated ROS production in response to LPS stimulation. Therefore, apabetalonetreatment may reduce pathological inflammation in FD patients and thus complement ERT to optimize patient outcomes, which will be tested further with warranted clinical studies."

These results come as no surprise since we know that apabetaone downregulates these pro-inflammatory pathways.  Nevertheless, the documented downregulation of Il-6 is of known interest both in treatment of covid and in heart patients with chronic kidney.

"At the heart of the deal that can add up to $2.1 billion including milestone payments is Corvidia’s lead experimental drug  — an IL-6 inhibitor carved out of AstraZeneca’s pipeline called ziltivekimab. It is currently in mid-stage development to reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease who also suffer from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease."

Read the rest of this article to see where apabetalone (which, with at BTD designation, is past mid-stage development) may be headed:




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