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Message: Re: Resverlogix Announces Publication on Apabetalone in Cardiovascular Therapeutics

,,,hummmm,,,10bagR,,,,,why do we need to prove the science???...there are a multitude of biotechs out there that only have the idea of what they want to acheive and are speculated to the point of having so called irrational exuberance,,,,,,nope I dont think thats our problem,,it may be more the fact that we have failed to achieve our planned milestones in developement of any drug/molecule for any specific disease,,and the fact that we are on a Canadian Exchange which tends to be amaturish when it comes to investors willing and capable to speculate on such science. But nothing out of RVX changes from day to day or year to year ,,,we still sit wishing and hoping for Godfather DMcC to do a nasdaq listing,,,(reverse split if necessary),and wishing for some professional analyst reviews,,,,,,also hoping and dreaming for a partner,,,well,,,cough cough,,even if RVX was willing and able to be non binary with no restrictions on pronouns we couldnt get a date off eharmony,,,,,,,,and thats a fact,,,,,!

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