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Message: Re: Resverlogix Announces Publication on Apabetalone in Cardiovascular Therapeutics

It's crazy, the more good news and PR the lower the pps goes. As narmac joked, it "almost" seems intentional haha. Definitely seems like there is no real urgency to pumping the pps. But why? Hmmmmm .... the effort seems to be going toward bigger goals of proving science (apabetalone, and epigenetics overall?), and partners/suitors. I'm fine with that, as frustrating as it gets at times. Just give me the NR out of the blue that I am patiently awaiting, and all is forgiven.

And $8 by end of August?! I seriously doubt that, but will be dancing in the streets buck naked and intoxicated, if that happens in that time frame haha .... I am hopeful for $4-5 ish soon after partnering news, if it ever comes, and $16-20+ upon a favorable BoM2 outcome (or stoppage due to positive interim data) in 2-3 years. Hard to project pps though, being on the pink sheets in the U.S.

First things first though, we need a partner for newsworthy attention and legitimacy for apabetalone and epigenetics, and to get the next round of studies moving and rocking toward the goal line (NDA).

Longgggg & strongggg also ... glta

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