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Message: UpComing Catalyst(s)

Can one of the few highly enlightened ones here help me understand where we are in the process, and the when the wait is expected to end? I've reduced my mult-year holdings considerably at the end of Sept.'19 when the share price tanked, and ever since then I Haven't been following the machinations of this company due to illness in the family and disgust, but I'm still holding 35% which is approx 72K shares. I'd like to know how Don's positioning the beast? Since I haven't had any contact with him, nor anyone else with regards to this company, and I haven't kept abreast of any details... could one of you guys give provide some clarity and an educated guess to when, if ever, they'll have it reviewed, when might we see approval, and how much resources will they need/have to effectuate manufacturing, marketing and distribution ?  


Nov 11, 2020 11:05PM
Nov 12, 2020 11:32AM
Nov 12, 2020 12:07PM
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