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Message: Re: UpComing Catalyst(s)
Nov 11, 2020 08:53PM
Nov 11, 2020 11:05PM
Nov 12, 2020 11:32AM

Stevero, welcome to the discussion.

I'd suggest you read the Press Releases and Top Messages sections on the left side menu.

As for catalyts...well we had the FDA Breakthrough Designation and near nothing happened to the share price since.  So everything works in super slow mo with this play.  I.e. the market hasn't even heard about this company much less its milestones and proven science.  When the market finally "wakes up" to what we know we have here, you will get plenty of share price moving catalyts.  It's just a mega delayed reaction.  

When this awakening does finally happen then the share price will not only move into double digit territory it will do so violently, imo.   Here's a guide on what the market should be valuing us at, right now, at this very moment.  The market caps cited in this article are of companies that are mostlly at Phase II and getting FDA BTD and many having only small addressable markets.

We are at a stage I would call 'Near-miss Phase 3 completed but must be extended"
The author cites $8.3 Billion US as the average market cap, meaning that realistically our share price should be in the forties or fifties, right now.  Neat, eh!

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