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Message: AGM is in 1 week

"There are really just 2 focus points for me:

1. Dosing commenced for COVID and updated topline readout estimate.

2. Do they plan to continue to put off BOM2 until COVID trial is complete?"


3.Wheres the money coming from should maybe be included under "focus points" seens how they can't start BOM 2 without it + there low or out of cash now so MONEY is kind of inportant thing at this point along with how much dilution it may bring IMO. 

& like i said before if they wait till the completion of the Covid trial & the results we all hope for arent there, oh boy, if there & shining bright in the light,oh boy :) & then IMO dont believe money will be a issue with a sucessful Covid trial & would prob save a whack of dilution & would give RV better barganing power - my concern as noted several times is the flip side.Maybe they have are super confident that the trial will be a success - its kinda what its looking like but ...

Are they going to run it out?.

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