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Message: Voting you shares.

After reading a previous post about whitholding your votes, I decided to place my vote. It is surprising how easy it was to do. Just scan the QR code, in my case Scotia I trade and axcess the link and vote. The more that withhold the more likely we may get noticed and they may realize us retail shareholders are watching and are not happy. It would be very suprising if something comes out of this meeting that will get the price up but I don't hold my breath any more. i am still long on the science and am in for the very long haul but am starting to think, Don will have to take his shares to his grave at the rate we are going. I think he is just keeping Resverlogix alive because he is hoping that Zenith is going to have a break through and that will give Resverlogix some life. I would like to thank all the other posters for the amazing research you do and it gives us silent ones some hope. 

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