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Message: Re: Canadian Securities Administrators

sidebar and others - Be sure you understand what happens with your suggested route to be taken. I agree with your displeasure of the situation without question.

As per the last ZCC MD&A we saw that DM has personally guaranteed 50% of a loan to ZCC that was then lent to RVX. 

Remove this CEO of RVX and you remove the money. With no money the walls collapse and we end up with nothing for RVX and most certainly most of the potential royalty revenue that ZCC may have potentially had is gone as well.

Your reasoning is correct. Your potential actions are certainly available but you/we have a delema. Do you scuttle the ship where it is now knowing your killing one company for sure and delivering great damage to the other that you also have an interest in. IMO APB's potential royalty's will form the greatest value for ZCC if RVX can prove its worth.

like I said, I don't disagree with you for wanting to go that route, I just see both of our feet being blown off as a result.

Lets please have reasonable unemotional discussion before action like this is taken and it becomes to late.


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