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Message: Canadian Securities Administrators

"A letter from CSA really would be a wakeup call"

Yes it would. Believe the koolaid is running dry , perhaps a splash has hit the floor hinting of a deal by the infamous "June" date again for the uptenth time?? 
Perhaps some people believe the time is ripe this time around so they don't want any interference/possible set backs heading into the final stretch??

Again, if any letter or legal action has or is about to be begin theres only one body to blame. 

You can only BS/mislead your shareholders for so long  before they just don't give a frick what happens.

If there are any rumours floating around the market/SP(s) are saying there bogus once again.(we're six weeks out to July) & we all know what happens around here during the summer months.

If we don't see anything prior to the AGM imo all heck is going to break out & if not already started the compliants/letters etc will be hitting the fan.

I'm waiting to see what happens up to & including the AGM before i set anything in motion. 

After that , let the chips fall where they may.


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