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Message: Looking Forward

Looking Forward

posted on Feb 10, 2008 04:18PM

To all investors on this board:

Last week there seemed to be a lot of institutional buying with prices staying in the upper range of 1.30 to 1.40.

I do not know much about the EW theory and how it works, but I think that we are ready to break out of this plateau, at least in the short term. A move to the 1.60 to 1.70 range is coming.

There was an article in the FP about some derivatives trader who is working for Jorry Capital, who gave a rather bleak presentation about the amount of money in mortgages and sub-prime loans that are coming due in the next 6 months.

Investors are going to be searching even more for something in the precious metals to park their money. With the 43-101 just around the corner, and the anticipated amount of resources that will be on that report, SGR is about to turn the corner.

It will not be that blasting takeoff that so many of us are hoping for, but its the next step for sure. And when SGR is CF+ in Q3 or Q4, we will then see the price on a steady climb.

How could it not? JMHO


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