Message: Where's Grim ????

To take it a step further, why should anyone even be in a hurry to make a deal, especially one with bad terms?

As far as I have been able to tell, the company still has time. We hope/expect to take and process the bulk sample this winter (to finalize the production plant process); and begin a new drill program next spring; and perhaps start procurement of the new process equipment for a 200 tpd plant in the mean time in preparation of full production by next winter.

This is all spelled out in news releases and the Bundtzen report. The preliminary PFD is even there for all to see.

So it seems to me (that is another way of saying, IMHO by the way), he has time. QED. IMHO.

I am not concerned in the least.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All.

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